Good read. I think he will, and believe he should. Listen, the Cards have been in this position before of having crowded field of starters going into ST, only to find themselves looking for help going into June. Sign him to a one.-year deal and see if his arm recovers. If not, he can "retire"during ST
That is completely true and I know J.P. Hill over at Viva today is writing that they shouldn't give him one. But there is no way they let him go somewhere else if he wants to pitch again. Besides the fact that he's effective, they saw what having AP and Yadi around did for the bottom line last year.
I do agree (more with you, less with Hill…though I can see Hill’s perspective), in that if Waino wants to come back, he’d want to do so as a Cardinal. Reciprocally, I’m sure the Cards FO would want him to pitch in STL if he wants to continue pitching. Whether or not the revenues every fifth day are worth the performance that likely accompanies that, I’m not sure. I’ve not looked to see what milestones may lie ahead for him, should he return…I think he’s at 195 career wins, but beyond that, Idk. Ultimately, I think he probably pitches in STL or nowhere at all.
He's at 195, you are right. Which means 200 is possible, 211 (which would put him second to Gibson in Cardinal history) less so. If the club thinks he's more like April-August Waino, they probably pay well. If they think that September is a harbinger, they probably really try to negotiate downwards.
Good read. I think he will, and believe he should. Listen, the Cards have been in this position before of having crowded field of starters going into ST, only to find themselves looking for help going into June. Sign him to a one.-year deal and see if his arm recovers. If not, he can "retire"during ST
There's also one additional looming element, as it relates to returning. He has to be offered a contract. 🤷🏼♂️
That is completely true and I know J.P. Hill over at Viva today is writing that they shouldn't give him one. But there is no way they let him go somewhere else if he wants to pitch again. Besides the fact that he's effective, they saw what having AP and Yadi around did for the bottom line last year.
I do agree (more with you, less with Hill…though I can see Hill’s perspective), in that if Waino wants to come back, he’d want to do so as a Cardinal. Reciprocally, I’m sure the Cards FO would want him to pitch in STL if he wants to continue pitching. Whether or not the revenues every fifth day are worth the performance that likely accompanies that, I’m not sure. I’ve not looked to see what milestones may lie ahead for him, should he return…I think he’s at 195 career wins, but beyond that, Idk. Ultimately, I think he probably pitches in STL or nowhere at all.
He's at 195, you are right. Which means 200 is possible, 211 (which would put him second to Gibson in Cardinal history) less so. If the club thinks he's more like April-August Waino, they probably pay well. If they think that September is a harbinger, they probably really try to negotiate downwards.