The cardinals are like that person who can’t stop hooking up with their ex cause it’s easier than trying to start a new relationship

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I don't think it's nearly as big a deal as some fans are making it. I would rather have him than Fermin as my 26th man. I don't think his bat is going to be the difference maker this season, but his leadership might be. I can't help but wonder if this is just a trial run to bringing him in as a coach next season. Let him get to know the younger players and mentor them. See how it meshes. Since he is just a bench bat, he can focus on that rather than trying to figure out his swing.

RE Waino as leader last year: Yes, he struggled. Maybe trying to split time between fixing his struggles and being a mentor just meant he didn't do either.

RE Donny as leader: He's still young. This allows him to get more time under his belt to slide into a leadership role. Same with Tommy.

I feel like both Goldy and Arenado can't or don't want to be leaders. I get it. Not everyone is a leader. I've known super talented people in my line that would not last a day leading people. Talent on the field doesn't necessarily translate to talent as a leader. There was a video (I think it was after clinching in 2022) where the team is celebrating in the locker room. Goldy gives a brief interview and then ducks into the back, not joining the rest of the team. That does NOT seem very leader-like to me.

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I would love the Yankees version of Carpenter if that is available, but I am afraid we will get the "Going Out of Business Sale" version. I really liked him a few years ago and I think he might be a Red Jacket guy.

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He's definitely going to get into the Cardinals HOF and get that snazzy jacket!

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