Substack. Seems cool. But what are we going to do with it?
I know how I’ve seen it used. The Cardinals Off Day guys, i.e. The Best Bens in Baseball (I look forward to them having Benjamin Hochman, Ben Cerutti, and Ben Clemens on to complete the set) brought my attention somewhat to this as a medium for connecting with an audience. I was aware of Substack before—one of my daily political newsletters comes via this manner—but I always figured it was a paid service or at least used by those wanting to hopefully charge for their work. The Bens using it made me realize maybe there were other applications.
(Don’t worry, financial compensation is not in the picture. I’m not ______ enough—fill in the blank with “interesting” “prolific” “essential” or whatever you like—to think that anyone is interested in paying for my thoughts. Most of the time they don’t want them for free!)
I thought about it some and I’ve gone ahead and signed up for it, in part to make sure that coveted “cardinal70” domain is in my grasp. However, I’m still not sure what exactly I want to do with this.
I could reprint the blog posts here, but that seems a little overkill. I probably will try to shoot out a blurb here when I post with a link to the main post, just in case you would want that sort of notification. However, you can get that via Twitter as well as sign up over at the Conclave for those sort of things if you prefer your posts in your inbox instead of in your browser.
I’ll probably use it to let you know when the next episodes of Meet Me at Musial or Gateway to Baseball Heaven have dropped. Again, you can find that on Twitter but if you happen to be here and NOT on that platform, well there you go.
Back when the United Cardinal Bloggers were running strong, Substack would have been awesome. I think we could have maybe turned it into a daily newsletter with links to various posts and podcasts written by a variety of people.
In fact, we did do something similar to that for a while with The Bird’s Eye View. The BEV was an email sent out to those that subscribed before each series of the 2014 and 2015 season. I think we may have done a little in 2016 before it kinda fell apart. Besides information on who was hot, who was not, what to look for, there were links to posts and podcasts.
Maybe I’ll try to do something a little like that again. I make no promises, but I’ll think about the format and perhaps get one out before the Philadelphia series starts on Friday.
If you are reading this, let me know if you have any thoughts about what I should put here that would be different from the blog or Twitter. I also think there’s some community options here, though I’ll need to poke around more to be sure.
Thanks for signing up. Let’s see what happens.